Florent Catiau-Tristant

Web Developer - Full Stack Javascript

+33 6 ** ** ** **
Highway to hell 0, Barcelona, Spain


VeryChic - Frontend Engineer

Full-time contract - Decembre 2020 - Today

Migrate the AngularJS website to NuxtJS. Optimizing performance, dealing with API Developping a NodeJS API foundations with NestJS and Lambdas

Technology used: Nuxt.js / Jest / Cypress / AWS / Cloudflare

Veepee - Fullstack Engineer + Frontend Tech Lead

Full-time contract - November 2019 - Decembre 2020

Working on an internal project about commercial supplier standardisation. Setup Typescript, Jest unit testing, teaching javascript best practises, writing documentation.

Technology used: Nuxt.js / Jest / Ruby on rails / Sidekiq / Docker

ASI - Fullstack Engineer

Internship then Full-time contract - June 2018 - October 2019

Back-end dev in a big team for Max, a French neo-bank. Working with more than 15 micro-services, using RESTful API, real-time events, and caching. The app is public so I dealt with critic production issues with 100k users.

Technology used: Angular / NodeJS / Java Sprint Boot / Kibana / Apigee / Docker / MongoDB / Elastic Search


A browser extension (Firefox, Chrome) to switch between several bookmark bars. Provides a litle popup UI to create new bars and select others.

A Node CLI to convert vanilla syntax Vue component to Typescript class based syntax. Built with the Typescript AST library.

A little Vue.js component library written in Typescript. Provide a wheel that spin by mouse dragging. I learnt to build thrid party components and optimize javascript statements.


Graduate Engineer School

at Ecole Supérieur d’Ingénieurs de Rennes

September 2015 - Agust 2018

Speciality in parralel programming, courses of Big Data, functional programming, testing, management. I was part of the school’s main association as a Communication Manager and a Treasurer.

2-years Technical Degree in IT

at IUT Informatique de Vannes

September 2013 - June 2015

Studied basics of programming, languages theory, mathematics and databases.